Wednesday, December 16, 2009

WVS 1.24b add-on

Warcraft 1.24b Patch | Warcraft 3 TFT 1.24b Patch Download & Changelogs. Warcraft 1.24b Patch is released on & Blizzard FTP. Blizzard has released this Warcraft 1.24b patch to stop the fatal errors and other bugs caused in 1.24 patch while playing custom maps. Check the download link & changelogs of War3 TFT 1.24b Patch.


Warcraft 1.24b Patch Changelogs:

Patch 1.24b


- Increased map file size from 4 MB to 8 MB.
- Added the ability to store hashtable handles in a hashtable.
- Added GetSpellTargetX and GetSpellTargetY natives.
- Added a new base handle type “Agent” of which many types now extend from.
- Added a SaveAgentHandle native which can be used for saving most handle types.
- Added a JASS optimization dealing with global variable change events.


- Fixed a few false positives caused by the "return bug" fix.
- Fixed a crash related to hashtable reference counting.
- “Shadowing” global variables with local variables no longer is possible.
- Fixed a type conversion dealing with operators (i.e. adding a handle with an integer).

Warcraft Version Switcher 1.24b add-on
(Make sure you have warcraft version switcher 1.61 before you download this if none CLICK HERE)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Inventory+ 1.9 for warcraft hotkeys

Alt Commands                      Inventory A+ Correlation
------------ ------------------------
| Q | W | | 7 | 8 |
| A | S | | 4 | 5 |
| Z | X | | 1 | 2 |

You can also press your middle mouse button down to trigger "2".

Alt/Ctrl Commands Inventory B+ Correlation
----------------- ------------------------
| Z | X | | 7 | 8 |
| C | V | | 4 | 5 |
| 1 | 2 |

You can also press your middle mouse button down to trigger "2".

- Pause / Break enables and disables program
- "`" toggles HP bars


Inventory+ A v1.9

Inventory+ B v1.9

Inventory+ v1.9
Added F4 and F5 functionality (F4 announces "1 mia my lane"; f5 "all mia my lane")
Reworked all kinds of functionality scripts, to make things smoother

Inventory+ v1.8
I've removed the "Tabs" function from the middle mouse scroll so
that people will be able to zoom in once again.

Inventory+ v1.7
Fixed a cross-cultural error in which certain foreign keyboards
experienced decreased functionality with the HP Toggles.

Much thanks goes to forum member "weeb".

Inventory+ v1.6
Finally fixed that damn icon issue. Arthas should display in the
task bar from now on. Capslock HP bar toggle has been removed in
its entirety. " ~ " is now the only toggle.

Inventory+ v1.5
Optional " ~ " to toggle HP bars. Capslock still functions for
this, also.

Inventory+ v1.4
Changed (Numpad 0) to pause|break.
Re-worked some in-Warcraft-only code.
Cleaned up source code a bit.

Inventory+ v1.3
By popular demand, the HP bar timer has been removed.

Inventory+ v1.2
Added a command to disable the program (Numpad 0).
Added a timer to the HP bars.

A recent error has been noticed, but it's not crucial to the
program and can be ignored. If something about an icon appears
in an error message, that's it. Get over it :)

Inventory+ v1.1
Press capslock to see HP bars. Press capslock again to remove

You can scroll your middle mouse button to tab through unit

Program only works within Warcraft III now.

Inventory+ v1.0
Allows user to use alt or ctrl commands to trigger items in Warcraft III.


Note: I did not create this software . I just spread the word ^_^

WVS 1.61

1.24c Patch Details + WVS

Yo guys, Blizzard has released a new patch for Warcraft TFT, 1.24c. For those who haven't realised, if you are currently STILL on 1.24b and join a host which has 1.24c, you will disconnect as soon as the game starts. This is a major issue as then the host and players within that game are faced with multiple remakes and constant frustation.

Solution = Patch your Warcraft III : TFT to 1.24c (yes! its that simple!)

Provided below is a link for a WVS - Wacraft Version Switcher, it's very useful and I recommend it. You can downgrade/upgrade to any of the past versions. So those old replays where you owned / had a really good game can be scratched up from the depths of your replay archives and be watched again

Link for WVS Information

Download WVS - 1.24c Ready

WARNING!: If you patch to 1.24c, you will not be able to play on BA (Bored Aussies PvPgn server) as they haven't updated their loaders to the latest patch yet. Inevitably, you can switch back and forth to play on BA and Garena.

Have fun patchin' guys! (Kudos to aeyah)

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